Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 23, 2011

Five years - two months - ten days

Its amazing how fast time goes. You won't truly understand it until you get older and have your own kids. Or maybe it goes just as fast if you don't have kids, I don't know. But one moment its summer and the next its winter and then ten years go by. You hear old people say that a lot. Right up there with bread use to be .30 cents. (loaf of premium bread today goes for a round $4.00), but its true, life goes by so fast. I know to you, right now, life is endless. Days are endless. But they go so fast for me.

What I really wanted to write today, was first of all Happy Thanksgiving - and this Thanksgiving, like all for the past five years, I am thankful for you. You are just amazing and I am so lucky to be your mom. I couldn't ask for a better kid. I know you know I love you, and I try to show it each day. I also know I might yell a lot or not be as attentive as I should be, but I do love you, and am just so very thankful and blessed to have you in my life. No matter what my life brings I can always look at you and just be so happy.

Some fun things...You are getting super good at climbing the tree! Oh the heart attack you will give me someday!
There is you, five years old - giving mama a heart attack. And look, your happy as can be.

Here is another cool picture, you use to do this nifty thing with your nose, no one else in the family can do it. Not sure if it will ever win you an award, but we thought it was cool.

I'll admit this isn't the best picture of you, but you can really get a feel for what you are doing with your nose. The best part is you could do this with out using your hands! Quite the talent.

You have started giving commentary while you the bathroom. Yes not something I share with people, but its true. I would correct you, tell you its private time and no one needs to hear the play - by - play, but its so darn funny, that for now I allow it to happen.

So today your biggest disappointment was that there wouldn't be snow tomorrow. Somehow you were convinced that it would snow were actually quite upset. I hope we get snow soon.

I hope we are doing right by you. I really do. I think we are, and you seem to be well a parent though, you always wonder. Second guess.

Favorite thing of the moment - Curious George. (just found the TV show on Roku so now we have tons of new episodes to watch, but you really like the one where George is afraid of the dark), still love Blue and your trains. Read how the Grinch Stole Christmas.

As always, I love you.


October 29, 2011 - Saturday

Dear Cody,
Age - Five years, one month, two weeks.

Sometimes I wonder what you will actually remember. Are you going to remember your favorite movie? Or song? Or toy? Will you have fond memories of these things? When you see them in your later years will you get nostalgic?

I suppose, like me or your father. You may not remember all the details, but remember good years and bad years. Or good moments and bad. I just hope that you have more good years, more good moments.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

October 20, 2011 - Thursday

Age - Five years, 1 month. Or 61 months.

Dear Cody,
I should have thought of doing this five years ago, but I didn't. I have tried to document your life in so many ways. Writing down things daily, pictures, videos, blogs, status updates. Time has a funny way of getting away from you. Which you will find out for yourself someday.

I do hope you will take the time to read these. I am sure some of them will be embarrassing, and others will be boring, but I wish my mother had done something like this for me. I wonder what made her smile when I was five, ten, fifteen (probably not much!), and so on. Hopefully you will too.

So since we are already five years into your life, I won't bore you with the baby stuff. I have probably already done that, so lets move on.
Today you had school, Mrs. Stuebleck (I'll never get this woman's name right) (and you thought it was hysterical the way I butchered her name all year! :))
Your favorite things to do are play, climb the tree out back....

You love your stuffed animals, this horse on a stick thing Susan (from my work) gave you. You love your umbrella (spider-man). You are looking forward to trick - or - treating. (though we are not sure yet what you will be. You love the park. (we were fortunate enough to have two with in a few minutes of our house :))

Look at you go! Its amazing!
Favorite food - Chicken nuggets/cheesy bread/chips. :)
Favorite shows - Backyardings, Calliu, The Cat in the Hat.

Funniest thing you have said this week:
I went into your bedroom to get your laundry and I see this lump in your bed (which I thought was you.) I called out, "Cody" and you said "Yeah?" from the living room. Puzzled I said, "Oh I thought you were under your covers." You said. "Oh those are my stuffed animals. I didn't want them to see me naked." Too funny.

Well that is all I can think of today. I am going to try so hard to write once a month, if not more.

Know always, that I love you.
